Amazing beautiful hearted Danzi Daji

이정은 승인 2021.08.14 14:18 의견 0

[Sunday Times=Chris Lee Reporter]On August 3, a large-scale event, the Kangba Art Festival 2021 was held in Yushu, Qinghai China.

Government representatives from 3 prefectures - Changdu, Ganzi and Yushu - joined the event.

Annually, Changdu in Tibet and Ganzi in Sichuan, as well as Yushu In Xining city, Qinghai, participate in the festival. The programs include horse riding competition, dancing, singing, a catwalk display of traditional and modern costumes, as well as the nation's traditional cultural show.

Recenty Danzi Daji was involved in the Kangba Art Festival as model director of the Changdu team. "I am glad be part of Kangba Art Festival 2021”, he said, “I do it with my heart and it is amazing !"

26 year old Daji is a model director, actor, model and singer, but in his free time, he conducts an unusual activity: collecting trash in his beloved home town of Dafu County, Ganzi.

"My home town is a very beautiful place, but i often see people throw trash everywhere. That really hurts me. I believe we must love Mother Earth starting with small actions such as disposing of trash properly," he said.

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