Jenny O, Sylvia Hendarto & Melda Santoso(from the left)
[Sunday Times=Chris Lee Reporter]Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation (MMLWF) would like to introduce Amazing Women with Beautiful Heart 2024 in Asia.
"They did charity with us beautifully for happiness of children with disabilities and unfortunate people" said Natalia Tjahja (founder Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation).
Amazing Women with the Beautiful Heart 2024 are as below.
Siti Marifah (eldest daughter of Vice President Republic of Indonesia, Mr Ma'ruf Amin), Wandee Tosuwan (secretary general of Asean Para Sports Federation), Jenny O (owner of Stro World), Nandhamalee Bhirombhakdi (managing director of Cavallino Motors Ferrari Thailand), Kelly Fan (executive director of Singapore Disability Sports Council), Febriati Nadira (head of corporate communication PT Alamtri Resources Indonesia Tbk), Rita Pusponegoro (past president of Women's International Club Jakarta), Ingrid Saidbun (director of marketing of Bocorocco Shoes), Saurma Siahaan (chairman of YP ADHA, children with HIV /Aids in North Sumatra), Endah Fajar Pratiwi (complex director of human resources The Ritz - Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan & JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta), Jungeun Lee (English name Chris Lee, cultural journalist of Sunday Times Korea),Yenny Sutanto (owner of Horapa Seafood and Thai Kitchen Semarang), Sylvia Hendarto, Melda Santoso, Anita Djajadiningrat ,Tan Rini Mulyadi, Mepi Lin, Yukina Mebuki (singer and music arranger), Maki Starfield (world winner poets and painters).
"I am committed to support charity work for Thailand and have always supported Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation’s charity initiatives for Thailand in the past decades” said Nandhamalee.
Jenny O
She is the owner of Stro World and Stro Tv, mother of Jaythaneal Skylar Sutrisno. She is Rethacar MMLWF of the year 2024. Retachar MMLWF is a charity project of Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation that invite talented young people all over the world for doing charity amazingly. Jenny tirelessly teaches her two children, Jaythaneal S Sutrisno & Jadrianna A Sutrisno to do amazing charity.
"Together with Endah Fajar, we will pray for our amazing charity project Wheels to Heal 2025" said Natalia ending the interview.